Together with Morozevich


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Together with Morozevich «Working on the book ‘Together With Morozevich’ I followed two objectives: to help chess players’ self-perfect, and to closer acquaint readers with the creativity of one of the most original and brilliant grandmasters.


ISBN 9789492510143
Manufacturer Thinkers Publishing
Author/s Alexey Kuzmin
Pages 265 Pages
Publication Date Aug 1, 2017
Notation Type FAN – Figurine
Book Binding Type Paperback

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SKU: 9789492510143 Categorías: , Etiquetas: ,


Together with Morozevich «Working on the book ‘Together With Morozevich’ I followed two objectives: to help chess players’ self-perfect, and to closer acquaint readers with the creativity of one of the most original and brilliant grandmasters, Together with Morozevich.
The book is designed for a wide circle of readers. First of all, for players of club-level and for young players with aspiration to self-perfection. But I hope my book will also be of interest to chess players of a higher qualification. I think it can also be useful in coaching work.
I propose for you that when solving these tests, to try to reproduce the train of thought of one of the most creative grandmasters of our times. Imagine you are in his place, looking at the chessboard through his eyes. Think over the positions together with Morozevich.»
Grandmaster Alexey Kuzmin has been working as a professional coach more than 30 year. He was second of the 12th World Champion Anatoly Karpov during the years of his struggle against Garry Kasparov (1987-1991). Since 1992 he was the appraised coach of the Qatar national team.
In the period from 2006 until 2015, he worked as a second of GM Alexander Morozevich, the candidate to the World Championship’s title. Alexey wrote the column ‘Kuzmin Harvest” in the ‘New In Chess Yearbooks’, until just recently. He also provided theoretical reviews for the Russian Chess Magazine ‘64’, being a permanent writer for the ‘ChessBase Magazine’ since 2008.


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