King’s Anti-Sicilians for Black This opening manual completes the Black repertoire against the Sicilian that uses the Kalashnikov as the main line. When possible, Black will opt for the adventurous moves 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 e5, covered in the book King’s Kalashnikov. But everyone playing 1… c5 has to be ready when White chooses to avoid the Open Sicilian.
A Black Repertoire to Complete King’s Kalashnikov
In this volume King gives you the answer to all of the so-called Anti-Sicilians, including the Rossolimo, the Alapin and the Grand Prix Attack. All other, less frequently played variations such as the Morra and the Wing Gambit, are covered as well.
Daniel King
Grandmaster Daniel King has extensive experience playing the Sicilian, having done so for over forty years. His clear explanations and practical approach will help you achieve your own successes with the Sicilian. Additionally, there is a selection of annotated model games by grandmasters such as Magnus Carlsen, Anish Giri, and Daniel King, which demonstrate how the recommendations are applied in real games.
King’s Anti-Sicilians for Black
The two volumes provide a compact and versatile repertoire for Black, focusing on the most important lines, and always aiming for dynamic middlegame play.
Daniel King is an English chess grandmaster, coach, journalist, and broadcaster. He has authored dozens of chess books and courses on a range of topics, including opening preparation and the historical biography of Sultan Khan. His PowerPlay YouTube channel is a must-see destionation for chess players interested in elite chess events and chess book reviews.
This book is concerned with all the closed variations of the Sicilian Defence: the Rossolimo, the Alapin, the Grand Prix Attack, the Closed Sicilian… and so on. In other words, systems where White does not play an Open Sicilian with 3.d4. Collectively, they have become known as the ‘Anti-Sicilians’. The repertoire offered here is
based on my decades of experience playing the Sicilian Defence, with Black and White, and I present the lines with confidence.
King’s Anti-Sicilians for Black
I have always loved the dynamism of the Sicilian. However, in my younger years, I was often frustrated if my opponent declined to play 3.d4 and instead chose one of the many Anti-Sicilian systems.
With experience, my attitude changed, and I reframed their decision: my opponents were simply too scared to play into my sharp Open Sicilian and I had already won a psychological battle.
Besides, I learned over time that the majority of the Anti-Sicilian lines are harmless to Black.
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